"Hypnotic and introspective, featuring smooth synthesizer and drones that create a soothing, ambient mood. Computer-blip Synth arpeggios to begin, main synth pulses and rhythm start at 0:18. Melody at 0:35 in a vast-sweeping synth lead; pulses running underneath until 0:52. Melodic breakdown until 1:09. Rhythm back in at 1:27, groove follows. Melody reprise from 1:43 - 2:01. Synth beeps, clicks and bass swells out."
"Atmospheric and mellow with ambient elements, featuring spacious synthesizer and drones that create an introspective, calming mood. Warm, spacious pads to start with pulsating, panning arpeggios underneath. Main Lead comes in at 0:36 to take us into another dimension. Breakdown at 1:01 with otherworldly arpeggios and plucks. Intrigue grows at 1:26 with a build to the melody at 1:36. Momentum stops at 2:00 for a calm, melodic finish."
"Mellow and floating with ambient elements, featuring spacious synthesizer and drones that create an introspective, spacey mood. Washed, spacious pads to start. Distant synth lead and soft bell-piano arpeggio follow. Melody begins at 0:27. Track swells from 0:54 - 1:10. Shorter synth leads feather in and out from 1:11 - 1:45. Top line synth leads soar over this middle section. After a small rise, we calmly descend for a peaceful end."
"Floating and perplexing, featuring shimmering synthesizer and drones that create a brooding, ghostly mood. Bass Synth to start, with eerie pads following. Synth pulse groove at 0:34 with code-breaking arpeggios feathered for textures. Main synth lead at 0:59. Intrigue and Wonder at 1:20 with a minimalistic breakdown. Groove and Lead back in at 1:44 with pulses shortly after. Tension rises from 1:56 to end."
"Atmospheric and floating with ambient elements, featuring lush strings and drones that create a tranquil, heavenly mood. High pads to begin, swell out at 0:26. Falling synth arpeggio over warm swelling pads from 0:29 - 1:35. Soft ascending synth lead climbs from 0:42 - 1:09, where ethereal, synthetic flutes and pipes take over the melody. A minimalistic departure of astronomical nature occurs from 1:35 - 2:15. A repeat of our opening synth arpeggio to end."
*All descriptions transcribed from the Handmade Sounds Sales Team